
Wood&Wool – expozitie de design contemporan romanesc la ICR Stockholm


Expozitii Noutati



“Wood &Wool” este o expozitie care exploreaza viziunea designerilor romani contemporani asupra materialelor si  mestesugurilor traditionale. Lucrarile a 23 de designeri romani, printre care si noi, pot fi vazute la aceasta expozitie ce are loc la ICR Stockholm, in contextul Stockholm Design Week. Expoziţia “Wood&Wool” este organizata de Romanian Design Week în colaborare cu Institutul Cultural Român de la Stockholm şi cu sprijinul Muzeului Naţional al Ţăranului Român si poate fi vizitată la sediul institutului intre 6 februarie-  8 martie 2014. ” Wood & Wool” is an exhibition that explores the contemporary romanian designers vision on traditional materials and craftmanship. The works of 23 romanian designers, including us, can be seen in this exhibition at ICR Stockholm, in the context of Stockholm Design Week. The ” Wood & Wool” exhibition is organized by Romanian Design Week and the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm with the support of the The Romanian Peasant Museum and can be visited at the Institute between February 6 to March 8, 2014.

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